A medical professional administering a tear trough injection treatment.

According to the American Board of Cosmetic Surgery, more than one million individuals choose injectable dermal fillers as their aesthetic enhancement annually, which continues to increase. This statistic underscores the popularity of injectable dermal fillers for facial rejuvenation treatment due to their cost-effectiveness.

Among types of dermal fillers, hyaluronic acid (HA) has demonstrated both safety and efficacy in addressing facial skin concerns. Teosyal dermal filler injections offer a cost-effective solution to smoothing out wrinkles and fine lines to fill tear troughs; these injections can help individuals restore lost volume, enhance their lips, and restore a youthful appearance.

In this article, we will delve into the Teosyal tear trough treatment, the ideal candidates for the procedure, the appropriate treatment process technique, and post-treatment care.

Key Takeaways

  • Genetic factors, aging, sun exposure, and lifestyle habits can cause tear trough deformities.
  • Teosyal dermal fillers provide a cost-effective solution that can bring immediate and long-lasting results.
  • Understanding these contraindications and precautions can help medical professionals conduct a safe procedure.
  • Teosyal tear trough treatment involves multi-puncture injections under each eye, which providers can precisely determine to ensure optimal results.
  • With medical professionals’ expertise, combining Teosyal with other procedures can lead to enhanced and rejuvenated outcomes.

About: Medica Depot is your trusted all-in-one supplier, offering a range of high-quality medical injectables and supplies. Order Teosyal online at Medica Depot today! Whether for health professionals, plastic surgeons, dermatologists, licensed estheticians, or other specialists, we can offer genuine, brand-name products you may need. With Medica Depot, we prioritize serving you better to improve the patient’s quality of life.

Understanding Tear Trough Deformities and the Role of Teosyal

A close-up shot of a patient's eyes.

Tear trough deformities are a common cosmetic concern. They often present as dark circles or depressions in the under-eye area and can occur alone or in conjunction with lower eyelid bags. Fortunately, hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers frequently treat these facial concerns, providing immediate and long-lasting results.

The under-eye area is fragile and complex, comprising several structures, including the lower eyelid, meibomian glands, and infra-orbital fat. Genetic factors, aging, sun exposure, and lifestyle habits can cause tear trough deformities.

This facial concern can lead to a tired-looking appearance, impacting an individual’s facial aesthetics. Teosyal dermal fillers offer a collection of hyaluronic acid-based injectables for specific indications. It’s highly biocompatible, offering patients a safe and effective treatment for their rejuvenating concerns.

Teosyal dermal fillers provide a cost-effective solution that can bring immediate and long-lasting results. Its injectables capitalize on hyaluronic acid’s high hydrating capacity and can absorb up to 1000 times its weight in water, maintaining the skin’s elasticity.

Ideal Candidate Profiles for Teosyal Tear Trough Treatment

Medical professionals must seek the ideal candidates for Teosyal dermal filler treatment to ensure a smooth, complication-free procedure. The injection treatment is particularly effective for those seeking non-surgical alternatives for their tear troughs at the age of 19 years and above.

  • Patient Assessment: To identify suitable candidates, providers must conduct a thorough assessment that involves understanding the patient’s needs and expectations. This also includes examining the patient’s medical history, overall health, lifestyle, and skin concerns, which helps identify suitable candidates.
  • Managing Patient Expectations: Patients should understand that while Teosyal provides immediate and long-lasting results, it’s not a permanent solution. The treatment involves multiple injections under each eye, and the results vary among individuals. Medical professionals must set realistic expectations for individuals to increase their satisfaction after the treatment.

Furthermore, while Teosyal is generally safe, specific contraindications exist. Understanding these contraindications and precautions can help medical professionals conduct a safe procedure.

  • Teosyal dermal fillers should not be injected into patients under 18 years old, pregnant women, or breastfeeding women, as safety and efficacy have yet to be determined.
  • Patients with cutaneous disorders, inflammation, or infection at or near the treatment site should not receive Teosyal.
  • Patients allergic to hyaluronic acid with a history of severe allergy or anaphylactic shock, lidocaine, or local anesthetic properties must not receive Teosyal dermal fillers.
  • Patients who have recently undergone a peeling, laser, or ultrasound-based treatment or have any autoimmune or cardiac diseases, especially if they’re on beta blockers, must avoid the treatment.
  • Patients with hepatocellular insufficiency, liver disease, epilepsy, or porphyria should not get Teosyal.

To prepare for an injection, avoid the procedure if you’ve had dental work in the last 15 days. A week before the procedure, refrain from taking aspirin, anti-inflammatory drugs, anticoagulants, and vitamin E, but consult your doctor before stopping any treatment. On the day before and after the injection, avoid alcohol and intense sunlight.

Procedural Techniques for Teosyal Tear Trough Treatment

A patient undergoing an injection treatment under the eyes.

Teosyal tear trough treatment involves multi-puncture injections under each eye, which providers can precisely determine to ensure optimal results. The typical duration of the procedure may last less than 30 minutes. Moreover, the lidocaine in Teosyal dermal fillers can help alleviate the patient’s discomfort during the procedure.

Before the injection, providers must clean the site and add numbing cream if necessary. After the injection, they may add gentle massaging to ensure even distribution. The key to a successful treatment is keeping the patient upright and looking straight ahead.

Moreover, medical professionals know the most suitable Teosyal dermal filler for the patient’s tear trough and facial anatomy. Providers can avoid complications with proper patient selection, appropriate products, and correct injection technique. Managing patient expectations and educating them about potential side effects is essential.

Post-Procedure Care and Management

Providers must educate patients about the proper post-procedure care for a smooth recovery. Patients should keep the treated area clean, avoid touching or rubbing their eyes excessively, and follow any specific skincare routines the provider recommends.

Patients may expect mild to moderate side effects after Teosyal injections. These swelling, redness, tenderness, or discomfort in the treated area may subside within a few hours to a few days. Applying cold compresses as directed by the provider can help alleviate these symptoms.

Long-term care involves follow-up appointments and scheduling touch-up sessions as the provider advises. This ensures the maintenance of the outcome, as the results of Teosyal tear trough treatment can last anywhere from six months to a year.

Moreover, educating patients about the importance of following post-treatment instructions can help them achieve their desired looks and optimal outcomes. This includes managing realistic expectations, understanding potential side effects, and following aftercare tips.

Integrating Teosyal Tear Trough Treatment into Anti-Aging Strategies

A medical professional discussing a post-treatment care routine to a patient.

Instead of comparing Teosyal vs Stylage, it’s worth noting that these dermal fillers offer an effective anti-aging strategy. Despite its temporary results, Teosyal tear trough provides quick procedure and results, minimal recovery time, and cost-effectiveness. Interestingly, providers can also combine other aesthetic procedures with Teosyal dermal fillers.

With medical professionals’ expertise, combining Teosyal with other procedures can lead to enhanced and rejuvenated outcomes. Fundamental Aesthetic Medical Clinical from Singapore demonstrated the effective combination of Teosyal Redensity I and Rejuran in facial rejuvenation.

Teosyal provides immediate results, typically lasting 6 to 18 months. Regular touch-up sessions are recommended for maintaining long-term results, which providers can recommend during follow-up visits. Furthermore, a study by Kossler (2021) revealed that dermal filler’s overall patient satisfaction rate for tear troughs was 84.4%.

Anido et al. (2020) recommend using Teosyal dermal filler for tear trough deformity. They provided the fundamental points of anatomy and offered recommendations for patient selection. The study also added appropriate guidelines for injection techniques to ensure optimal outcomes.


Teosyal tear trough treatment has emerged as an effective technique for under-eye rejuvenation. By understanding tear trough deformities and the role of Teosyal, practitioners can efficiently address these concerns. The procedural methods for Teosyal Tear Trough treatment and comprehensive post-procedure care and management ensure optimal results and patient satisfaction.

Furthermore, integrating Teosyal Tear Trough treatment into anti-aging strategies provides a comprehensive approach to facial aesthetics, enhancing the overall appearance and boosting self-confidence. Patients need to seek the guidance of medical professionals to ensure a safe Teosyal tear trough treatment and the best results.


1. What is Teosyal tear trough treatment?

Teosyal tear trough treatment is a non-surgical cosmetic procedure that involves injecting hyaluronic acid-based dermal fillers under the eyes to fill in tear trough deformities and rejuvenate the under-eye area.

2. Who is an ideal candidate for Teosyal tear trough treatment?

Ideal candidates for Teosyal tear trough treatment are individuals who are 19 years or older and seeking a non-surgical alternative for under-eye rejuvenation. They must also be in good overall health and not have any contraindications.

3. Is Teosyal tear trough treatment safe?

Teosyal tear trough treatment is generally safe and effective for addressing concerns about under-eye rejuvenation. However, specific contraindications and precautions exist, and patients with these conditions should not receive the treatment. Consulting a qualified medical professional for proper assessment and guidance is essential.

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  1. Injectable Fillers Guide. (2014, July 11). American Board of Cosmetic Surgery. https://www.americanboardcosmeticsurgery.org/procedure-learning-center/non-surgical/injectable-fillers-guide/
  2. Anido, J., Fernández, J. M., Genol, I., Ribé, N., & Pérez Sevilla, G. (2021). Recommendations for the treatment of tear trough deformity with cross-linked hyaluronic acid filler. Journal of cosmetic dermatology, 20(1), 6–17. https://doi.org/10.1111/jocd.13475