md aqualix injection2

The body may experience an increase in fat deposits due to changes in diet, decreased physical activity, or other conditions. While some types of fat deposits can be eliminated by dieting or active exercise, others are unfortunately not as easily corrected (chin, hips, inner knee surface).

Intralipotherapy is a good alternative for localized fat correction and offers new possibilities for patients and doctors. It is meant for patients who don’t want to have surgery (liposuction) or those for whom liposuction is contraindicated.


AQUALYX® is an injectable adipocytolytic agent for subdermal intralipotherapy. It destroys the fat cell’s membrane and causes fat tissue volume reduction. 

The name often refers to an instant procedure of local fatty deposit correction with AQUALYX® fatdissolving injections in problem areas. The method was invented in Spain, has been used in Europe for a while, and is in great demand. Within a short time, this procedure has become one of the most demanded methods of body correction on the market. 

Such popularity is caused by several factors: immediate results, safety, and a localized effect on specific body parts. Due to the speed of the procedure and the lack of need for rehabilitation afterward, AQUALYX® is sometimes called “office liposculpture,” as it is quick enough to be done during a lunch break.

How Does AQUALYX® Work?

It works by using a compound called deoxycholic acid, a natural substance found in the body that helps break down and dissolve fat cells.

When AQUALYX® is injected into the targeted zone, deoxycholic acid breaks down fat cell walls, causing them to rupture and release their contents. The body’s natural waste elimination processes then remove the released fat, metabolized and eliminated through the lymphatic system and liver.

Over time, the treated area becomes slimmer and more contoured as the fat cells get eliminated. The results of AQUALYX® treatments are gradual and typically become visible several weeks after the initial fatdissolving injection.

AQUALYX® is a non-surgical contouring treatment that can be performed in a clinic or a medical office. The procedure usually takes between 30 and 60 minutes, depending on the treated area. The number of fatdissolving injections depends on the amount of fat in the targeted area and the individual’s treatment goals.

It is important to note that AQUALYX® is not a weight-loss treatment and is not suitable for individuals who are significantly overweight or have large areas of fat that need treatment. Instead, AQUALYX® is designed to target small pockets of stubborn fat in areas that are difficult to treat with diet and exercise alone, such as the submental area (double chin), jowls, and hip fat or the so-called love handles.

AQUALYX® Procedure

AQUALYX® treatment is carried out as follows:

  • the area of injection is treated with antiseptic;
  • a marker is used to locate the site to be treated;
  • medicine is injected (one to five vials of 8 ml each);
  • a light local massage is performed to distribute the drug evenly;
  • the surface is re-treated with antiseptic.

This procedure requires the utmost precision and experience in knowing how to inject AQUALYX®, as it is possible to traumatize muscles or mistakenly inject the medicine superficially. That is why it should only be performed by a qualified professional.

After intralipotherapy, the patient can return to everyday life. However, visiting baths and saunas, tanning salons, and vigorous physical exercise are not recommended during the first two weeks after the procedure. The injections may cause local reactions in the form of itching, burning, hyperemia, sensitivity changes, and subcutaneous thickening.

For the best effects, intralipotherapy can be combined with algae wraps, LPG massages, and pressure therapy. All these methods will complement each other and improve the overall effectiveness of the treatment. In addition, patients can wear compression garments to enhance the effect of AQUALYX®.


AQUALYX® is a non-surgical liposuction, which means it does not require any special preparation by  the patient. It is only necessary to completely avoid aspirin-containing products – to minimize the risk of swelling and bruising. Immediately before the procedure, qualified specialists will perform a visual diagnosis, make a mark for the introduction of injections, and determine the amount of substance required. A local anesthetic in the form of a cream or gel is also applied.


There are a few simple rules after intralipotherapy with AQUALYX®. Firstly, patients should avoid saunas, steam baths, and tanning salons for at least ten days. Secondly, several days after the procedure, one must drink not less than two liters of water daily. It will help to restore the water balance in the body. Also, it is worth reducing physical activity and excluding alcohol for a while.

AQUALYX® vs. Kybella

AQUALYX® and Kybella target similar body areas where fat is difficult to remove. In addition, they can both be used to define facial features such as the jawline by reducing the appearance of a double chin. AQUALYX® and Kybella have similar active ingredients, with AQUALYX® containing deoxycholate, derived from plant-based compounds, and Kybella containing synthetic deoxycholic acid. The primary difference between them is that Kybella has been approved by the FDA. As such, AQUALYX® may be less well-known among Kybella users in the US.

In terms of price, AQUALYX® is significantly more cost-effective than Kybella. For example, AQUALYX® is available for $610 for 10 x 8 ml vials, while Kybella will set you back $1,750 for 4 x 2 ml vials. This means that the cost per ml of AQUALYX® is less than $8, compared to nearly $219 per ml of Kybella.

Side Effects

AQUALYX® injections have side effects that can be divided into two types: injection and product-related. Let’s discuss both:

1. Injection-related

  • Local hyperemia;
  • Mild tissue swelling around the injection;
  • Mild injection pain;
  • Itching;
  • Bruising.

These symptoms disappear within two to four days and do not require additional treatment.

2. Product-related:

  • Local hyperthermia;
  • Burning sensation at the injection site;
  • Swelling;
  • Hyperemia.

These symptoms subside on their own within 48-72 hours.


AQUALYX® is an injectable adipocytolytic agent used in subdermal intralipotherapy to destroy fat cells and reduce the volume of fat tissue. The treatment is designed to target small pockets of stubborn fat in areas that are difficult to treat with diet and exercise alone. The procedure is non-surgical, and a local anesthetic is applied before the injections. 

The treated area gradually becomes slimmer and more contoured as the fat cells are eliminated, and the results typically become visible several weeks after the initial injection. 

It is important to note that AQUALYX® is not a fatdissolving treatment and is not suitable for severely overweight individuals with large fat deposits. Compared to a similar product called Kybella, AQUALYX® is a more cost-effective alternative that’s very popular in Europe. There are other products that Aqualyx is often compared to, such as Fillmed.


How long do AQUALYX® injections last?

If patients lead an active life after the treatment and do not abuse fatty, hard-to-digest foods, the effect of an AQUALYX® procedure will last for an extended period.

Does AQUALYX® really work?

Yes, AQUALYX® effectively reduces unwanted pockets of fat under the skin in many individuals. AQUALYX® uses deoxycholic acid to break down and dissolve fat cells in the treated area, which are then naturally eliminated by the body. In addition, clinical evidence and several scientific studies have proven the effectiveness of adipocytolytic substances for the non-surgical reduction of antiaesthetic subcutaneous fat [1],[2],[3],[4],[5].

Are AQUALYX® injections safe?

Yes. AQUALYX® injections can be effective in reducing undesirable subcutaneous fat deposits safely, as long as an appropriate adipocytolytic device is used by a medical professional and proper precautions are taken.

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  1. Duncan D. Response to “injection lipolysis with phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate”. Aesthet Surg J. 2013;33:1073–1075.
  2. Pinto H, Hernandez C, Turra C, et al. Evaluation of a new adipocytolytic solution: adverse effects and their relationship with the number of vials injected. J Drugs Dermatol. 2014;13:1451–1455.
  3. Klein SM1, Schreml S, Nerlich M, et al. In vitro studies investigating the effect of subcutaneous phosphatidylcholine injections in the 3T3-L1 adipocyte model: lipolysis or lipid dissolution? Plast Reconstr Surg. 2009;124:419–427. Accessed November 20, 2016.
  4. Hasengschwandtner F, Gundermann KJ. Injection lipolysis with phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate. Aesthet Surg J. 2013;33:1071–1072.
  5. Salti G, Rauso R. Comments on “Injection lipolysis with phosphatidylcholine and deoxycholate”. Aesthet Surg J. 2014;34:639–640.