The comparison of red and green apples symbolizes the comparison of neurotoxins like Botox, Dysport, Jeuveau, and Xeomin

Botox, Dysport, Jeuveau, and Xeomin are all wrinkle relaxers, the drugs for under-skin beauty injections with botulotoxin. This article reviews the leading brands in this market and some related nuances.

How Do Neurotoxins Work?

Neurotoxins are a group of substances that affect nerve cells (neurons) to stop transferring signals through synapses. When used in small, regulated doses in medical treatments by licensed medical professionals, neurotoxins are very useful. For example, a microdose of neurotoxin can relax a muscle spasm and calm down the migraine.

In the beauty industry, microdoses of botulotoxin usage are common practice, especially for taking care of wrinkles on the moving parts of the face: near the external eye corner, between and above the eyebrows, and others. Underskin injections of botulotoxin paralyze the facial muscles; they stop moving, the wrinkles get smoother, and the face looks younger.

What Do Wrinkle Relaxers Have in Common?

There are several popular wrinkle-relaxer brands on the market. They are developed by various manufacturers from different countries. However, they use the same active ingredient: botulotoxin. It means the active substance impacts the nerves and muscles in the same way, regardless of the brand. The main results, as well as possible side effects of all wrinkle relaxers, are similar, with minor nuances.

Are All Neurotoxins Injected Similarly?

Yes, we can say that all BTX neurotoxins are injected similarly. Small doses (units) of a substance are injected with a fine, thin, short needle just into the under-skin facial muscles. The healthcare specialist who does the treatment should be very careful to avoid touching small blood vessels because it can result in bruising.

Treating multiple facial areas in one procedure is not recommended because there are limits on the total dose of botulotoxin that can be safely injected at once. That is why the face is divided into zones, and doing one zone after another is recommended, with a reasonable time interval for recovery. One procedure can require up to 50 units (and injections). It depends on the zone and the brand: for example, Dysport is more diluted and needs more units.

What Are the Different Botulinum Toxins?

All beauty injection drugs use the same neurotoxin produced by the bacterium Clostridium botulinum. However, there are several forms of this toxin. Types A and B are allowed for commercial use, and various producers provide different types of them.

What is Botox – ONAbotulinumtoxin A

The brand Botox uses the most well-known and investigated form of botulotoxin. ONAbotulinumtoxin A is used not only for aesthetic cosmetology but migraine and chronic pain treatments. The scientists also explore the possibility of using ONAbotulinumtoxin A for overactive bladder treatment.

What is Dysport – ABObotulinumtoxin A

ABObotulinumtoxin A is another form of botulotoxin allowed for commercial use. This form has the same properties as ONAbotulinumtoxin A, but for commercial reasons, Dysport uses it.

What is Xeomin – INCObotulinumtoxin A

INCObotulinumtoxin A is proposed as an alternative to ONAbotulinumtoxin A (Botox) and ABObotulinumtoxin A (Dysport). This form of BTX has the same effectiveness and can be used for aesthetic purposes and migraine and chronic pain treatment.

What is Jeuveau – PRAbotulinumtoxin A

PRAbotulinumtoxin A is a form of botulotoxin used by the Korean brand Jeuveau. Its main effect is a muscle relaxant like the substances mentioned above and can be used for the same treatments.

So, the approved for commercial uses forms of botulotoxin are mostly similar in the main and side effects.

The Benefits and Lastings of Neurotoxins

Botox Treatment, Lasting, and Benefits

Botox was the first on the market in the segment of wrinkle relaxers. So, it is the most well-known and popular botulotoxin drug, especially in the United States.

It is effective for deep wrinkles because it freezes small facial muscles from moving. The effect is visible after several days: a week is enough for most cases. Botox is used to reduce wrinkles quickly and effectively. The impact of these procedures can last from 3-4 months.

Botox can also be used for migraine treatment, pain in the neck, hyperactive bladder, excessive sweating, and other symptoms.

Xeomin Treatment, Lasting, and Benefits

Botulinum toxin in Xeomin is a high-quality wrinkle relaxer. Unlike brands such as Botox and Dysport, it does not contain added protein among the ingredients used to prolong the effect. Without this ingredient, Xeomin minimizes the chances of getting an allergy or resistance.

While it is very effective for moderate to severe wrinkles, Xeomin is often used for glabellar lines. These are horizontal lines on the forehead.

Also, Xeomin is used as an effective treatment for muscle spasms.

The effect of Xeomin lasts the same as Botox for 3-4 months. Some patients say the effect of Xeomin is shorter for them than the effect of Botox and Dysport since the results and lasting period are always individual.

Dysport Treatment, Lasting, and Benefits

Dysport first entered the beauty market as the European version of Botox. However, after getting FDA approval, it competes with Botox in the US market, as well.

Dysport units have a lower concentration of botulotoxin than Botox or Xeomin. It means more units are needed for a single procedure to get the effect. However, its quality allows for covering a large zone during one treatment.

For patients who stop seeing the effect of Botox, Dysport can be a go-to option. Dysport usually requires 2-3 days to make the effect visible, lasting for the same amount of time, 3-4 months.

The price of Dysport per unit is lower but the number of units is higher, so the procedure cost will be approximately the same.

Jeuveau Treatment, Lasting, and Benefits

Jeuveau is a botulotoxin drug from South Korea. It appeared recently, but it won its market share quickly.

This high-quality wrinkle relaxant is 20-30% cheaper than Botox, so it is very popular.

The effect of Jeuveau disappears with time. It can last several months, but it is not recommended to repeat the procedure earlier than after three months.

Dysport, Xeomin, Botox, Jeuveau Side Effects

Modern neurotoxins are high-quality substances and they mostly do not have side effects. However, they are still toxins so the body can react to the injection.

The reaction can be normal or allergic. Normal reactions disappear within 48 hours and mostly do not require additional treatments. Allergic reactions can be serious problems and should only be controlled by medical professionals.

Dysport Side Effects

The side effects of Dysport mostly seem like the patient has got the flu or another respiratory tract infection. The list includes pain in the throat and nose, inflammation in the upper respiratory tracts, running nose, nausea, headache, and other symptoms of flu.

Also, the side effects at the injection site can include skin reactions – redness, pain, and others. These effects are normal, but it is essential for patients to report them to their therapist to avoid complications.

Xeomin Side Effects

This substance can also cause local side effects at the injection zone, like skin reaction and pain. However, sometimes pain in the neck, headache, dry eyes, stuffy nose, and other effects are possible.

Botox Side Effects

Botox has the longest history of use and the largest collection of registered side effects. However, most of them are typical for all neurotoxins. They are flu-like symptoms, muscle pain, drooping eyelids, headaches, and so on.

Of course, the reaction at the injection zone is also possible. Skin redness and local pain are the most frequent side effects. Some patients also register bruising, but it is the result of mistakes during the procedure. Anyway, the bruises will disappear naturally.

Jeuveau Side Effects

Jeuveau’s side effects have no significant difference from other neurotoxins. Stuffy nose, pain in the throat, drooping eyelids and dry eyes, pain in muscles, and all other symptoms. Injection site pain and skin reactions are also possible.

Sometimes healthcare specialists register increased white blood cell counts, but it is rather a post-reaction on the inflammatory processes provoked by neurotoxins.


Is Xeomin Better than Botox or Dysport?

Xeomin is considered the purest substance of all neurotoxins. The formation of antibodies that neutralize the effect is minimal. So, Xeomin is recommended for patients who have got resistance to Botox or Dysport.

What is the Difference between Jeuveau and Xeomin?

Jeuveau is a product of the South Korean company Evolus, while Xeomin is produced by the German pharmaceutical corporation Merz. Both of these drugs contain botulotoxin. However, Jeuveau contains prabotulinumtoxinA, and Xeomin uses incobotulinumtoxinA.

Which is safer: Botox or Dysport?

Both of these drugs are FDA-approved, and they have excellent medical records. The number of side effects cases is minimal, and even the registered side effects are mostly minor. However, Dysport is more diluted than Botox. So, if the patient has got side effects from botulotoxin, the effects from Botox will be stronger because of a higher concentration.

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The beauty injection of botulotoxin is a popular procedure that reduces mimic wrinkles, makes a face look younger, and increases self-assurance. The most popular injection drugs are Botox, Dysport, Xeomin, and Jeuveau. All these drugs are almost similar, but there are some nuances.

Dysport is known as the most diluted drug with the lowest BTX concentration in one unit. So, it is cheaper than its competitors, but it requires more units for the same effect. Xeomin is the purest and causes less resistance and antibodies formation. Botox has the longest medical history and the largest number of side effect cases, but only because of the longer timeline.

Before using any of these drugs for injections, consult your cosmetic physician. The health care professional can recommend the best option for you.